Questionario volontario e anonimo |
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25 - 40
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Lei in questa località è:
Possessore di seconda casa
Quanto è importante a livello locale lo sviluppo del turismo? |
Quanto è importante lo sviluppo del turismo delle navi da crociera? |
A livello locale quale tipologia di turismo dovrebbe essere incentivata? (si può selezionare più di un'opzione tenendo premuto il tasto Ctrl)
Ha una percezione negativa/sei infastidito da una o più attività turistiche precedentemente elencate?
Quali e perchè?
Hold the line, please olmesartan amlodipine hydrochlorothiazide hplc The impoverished country - which relies on crude exports tofinance up to 70 percent of budget spending - is struggling toreassert state control against one of the most active franchisesof the al Qaeda network founded by Osama bin Laden. cenforce 50 mg Named after the ruling Al Saud family, which came to power in the 18th century, the country includes the Hijaz region - the birthplace of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad and the cradle of Islam. This fact, combined with the Al Sauds' espousal of a strict interpretation of Sunni Islam known as Wahhabism, has led it to develop a strongly religious self-identity. montelukast cost without insurance The U.S. Treasury warned on Thursday about the"catastrophic" impact of a debt default, saying a failure to paythe nation's bills could punish American families and businesseswith a worse recession than the 2007-2009 downturn. flomax otc uk Lane was out jogging during a visit to his girlfriend and her family in Duncan Friday when he was shot in the back, police said. He attended East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma where he was on a baseball scholarship.
Secondo la sua personale percezione quale dei precedenti turismi risulta maggiormente impattante per l’ambiente e perché? |
Hold the line, please olmesartan amlodipine hydrochlorothiazide hplc The impoverished country - which relies on crude exports tofinance up to 70 percent of budget spending - is struggling toreassert state control against one of the most active franchisesof the al Qaeda network founded by Osama bin Laden. cenforce 50 mg Named after the ruling Al Saud family, which came to power in the 18th century, the country includes the Hijaz region - the birthplace of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad and the cradle of Islam. This fact, combined with the Al Sauds' espousal of a strict interpretation of Sunni Islam known as Wahhabism, has led it to develop a strongly religious self-identity. montelukast cost without insurance The U.S. Treasury warned on Thursday about the"catastrophic" impact of a debt default, saying a failure to paythe nation's bills could punish American families and businesseswith a worse recession than the 2007-2009 downturn. flomax otc uk Lane was out jogging during a visit to his girlfriend and her family in Duncan Friday when he was shot in the back, police said. He attended East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma where he was on a baseball scholarship.
E’ a conoscenza dell’esistenza di un Area Marina Protetta e di un Parco Naturale in questa località turistica? |
Ritiene che la presenza di un Area Marina Protetta e di un Parco siano: |
Un incentivo/moltiplicatori per il territorio
E’ a conoscenza della presenza di un progetto di monitoraggio del possibile impatto delle navi da crociera? |
Poiché le aree marine protette devono tutelare ambienti costieri e marini di interesse scientifico, culturale, educativo ed economico ed ambientale (con particolare riguardo a flora e a fauna) secondo lei, l’istituzione di queste aree è: |
Non molto importante
Quanto sarebbe disposto a pagare per proteggere e salvare quest’area? Indichi la cifra massima all’anno in € |