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Lei in questa località è:
Quanto è importante a livello locale lo sviluppo del turismo? |
Quanto è importante lo sviluppo del turismo delle navi da crociera? |
A livello locale quale tipologia di turismo dovrebbe essere incentivata? (si può selezionare più di un'opzione tenendo premuto il tasto Ctrl)
Ha una percezione negativa/sei infastidito da una o più attività turistiche precedentemente elencate?
Quali e perchè?
We need someone with qualifications generic nexium fda - Domestic business deterioratingTI's H113 results and full year domestic guidance were weaker than Fitch expected. TI's revenue and EBITDA trends in 2013 are likely to be worse than that reported in 2012. The mobile price war in Italy is showing no signs of abating and the effects of a weak Italian economy could to persist into 2014. furunbao capsule manufacturers Prince William, a helicopter search-and-rescue pilot, is on standby to join Kate for the birth at the hospital where he was born to the late Princess Diana 31 years ago. The baby will be future heir regardless of sex. harga ginseng kianpi bu wan Lashing out against the treatment, Holmes, who was pulled over on the way home from a wedding with a blood-alcohol level allegedly three times the legal limit, says the behavior left her fearing someone would return to sexually abuse her as well. jual naturomax Similar stains were found on a living room sofa and on the walls, floor and mattress in a basement bedroom where the childâs father, Justin DiPietro, slept, Reynolds said. Investigators also found blood on DiPietroâs shoe.
Secondo la sua personale percezione quale dei precedenti turismi risulta maggiormente impattante per l’ambiente e perché? |
We need someone with qualifications generic nexium fda - Domestic business deterioratingTI's H113 results and full year domestic guidance were weaker than Fitch expected. TI's revenue and EBITDA trends in 2013 are likely to be worse than that reported in 2012. The mobile price war in Italy is showing no signs of abating and the effects of a weak Italian economy could to persist into 2014. furunbao capsule manufacturers Prince William, a helicopter search-and-rescue pilot, is on standby to join Kate for the birth at the hospital where he was born to the late Princess Diana 31 years ago. The baby will be future heir regardless of sex. harga ginseng kianpi bu wan Lashing out against the treatment, Holmes, who was pulled over on the way home from a wedding with a blood-alcohol level allegedly three times the legal limit, says the behavior left her fearing someone would return to sexually abuse her as well. jual naturomax Similar stains were found on a living room sofa and on the walls, floor and mattress in a basement bedroom where the childâs father, Justin DiPietro, slept, Reynolds said. Investigators also found blood on DiPietroâs shoe.
E’ a conoscenza dell’esistenza di un Area Marina Protetta e di un Parco Naturale in questa località turistica? |
Ritiene che la presenza di un Area Marina Protetta e di un Parco siano: |
Un ostacolo allo sviluppo creando solo limitazioni
E’ a conoscenza della presenza di un progetto di monitoraggio del possibile impatto delle navi da crociera? |
Poiché le aree marine protette devono tutelare ambienti costieri e marini di interesse scientifico, culturale, educativo ed economico ed ambientale (con particolare riguardo a flora e a fauna) secondo lei, l’istituzione di queste aree è: |
Quanto sarebbe disposto a pagare per proteggere e salvare quest’area? Indichi la cifra massima all’anno in € |