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Questionario popolazione locale o turista generico


Questionario volontario e anonimo
Comune intervista: Portofino
Nazionalità: Yemen
Città in cui abita: 91460
Sesso: F
Età: 25 - 40
Professione: vBpOGSBWcLtLBWwez

Lei in questa località è:


Possessore di seconda casa


Quanto è importante a livello locale lo sviluppo del turismo? Poco
Quanto è importante lo sviluppo del turismo delle navi da crociera? Poco

A livello locale quale tipologia di turismo dovrebbe essere incentivata?
(si può selezionare più di un'opzione tenendo premuto il tasto Ctrl)


Ha una percezione negativa/sei infastidito da una o più attività turistiche precedentemente elencate?

Quali e perchè?


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tretinoin cream 0.05 coupons LAS VEGAS — The head of the U.S. National Security Agency has faced Congress and presidents in the past, and isn’t expected to budge from the position that his mission is to stop terrorists and that his agency’s surveillance program is critical, even amid a room full of hackers Wednesday at a conference in Las Vegas.

Secondo la sua personale percezione quale dei precedenti turismi risulta maggiormente impattante per l’ambiente e perché? Can you put it on the scales, please? cost of suprax 400 mg Hundreds of officers have been searching for the teen, who does not speak. His parents say he loves trains. Police have checked all 468 train stations, every tunnel, abandoned station and bathroom. Divers searched the East River near the school.
l-arginine and zma Ron Axelrad, chief executive of Access Staffing, which places part- and full-time employees across the greater New York City area, said his firm had been getting a lot of calls from companies six months ago about how to prepare for Obamacare.
harga ginseng di malaysia Logan dozed off and on during the ceremony, nestled on his grandmother's shoulder, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. Debbie Stevenson said he is on medication to make him comfortable, but it also makes him sleepy.
veltam plus tablet On Saturday, Syrian state media reported that several government troops who took part in an offensive on a rebel-held neighborhood in the capital were experiencing severe trouble breathing. The official news agency, SANA, said initial reports indicate several cases of "suffocation" among Syrian troops trying to storm the Jobar district in east Damascus on Saturday.
where can i buy clarithromycin 500mg Since 2011, China has consolidated its position as thelargest trade partner with most Asian countries and its directinvestments in the region are surging, albeit from a much lowerbase than Europe, Japan and the United States. Smaller countriessuch as Laos and Cambodia have been drawn so strongly intoChina's economic orbit that they have been called "clientstates" of Beijing, supporting its stance in regional disputes.
naproxen 500 mg tablet side effects Rodriguez vowed to fight the unprecedented ban, which the league said is based on his "use and possession of numerous forms of prohibited performance-enhancing substances, including testosterone and human growth hormone, over the course of multiple years."
is it bad to take ibuprofen before exercise Asiana Airlines says its reputation was damaged by a report on a San Francisco TV station that used bogus names for four pilots on its plane that crashed last week that were a play on Asian names and that it is considering legal action.
motilium suspension oral precio Alexion sells Soliris, one of the world's most expensive medicines, used to treat a progressive, life-threatening blood disorder called paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria that causes destruction of red blood cells.
tretinoin cream 0.05 coupons LAS VEGAS — The head of the U.S. National Security Agency has faced Congress and presidents in the past, and isn’t expected to budge from the position that his mission is to stop terrorists and that his agency’s surveillance program is critical, even amid a room full of hackers Wednesday at a conference in Las Vegas.
E’ a conoscenza dell’esistenza di un Area Marina Protetta e di un Parco Naturale in questa località turistica? Si
Ritiene che la presenza di un Area Marina Protetta e di un Parco siano: Un ostacolo allo sviluppo creando solo limitazioni
E’ a conoscenza della presenza di un progetto di monitoraggio del possibile impatto delle navi da crociera? No
Poiché le aree marine protette devono tutelare ambienti costieri e marini di interesse scientifico, culturale, educativo ed economico ed ambientale (con particolare riguardo a flora e a fauna) secondo lei, l’istituzione di queste aree è: Non molto importante
Quanto sarebbe disposto a pagare per proteggere e salvare quest’area?
Indichi la cifra massima all’anno in


Grazie per la collaborazione!

I dati verranno utilizzati a sola rilevazione statistica e ricerca scientifica ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/2003

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