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Questionario popolazione locale o turista generico


Questionario volontario e anonimo
Comune intervista: Portofino
Nazionalità: Bolivia
Città in cui abita: 48484
Sesso: F
Età: 40 - 60
Professione: kLZVspZEYZvUUhqnbJn

Lei in questa località è:


Quanto è importante a livello locale lo sviluppo del turismo? Poco
Quanto è importante lo sviluppo del turismo delle navi da crociera? Poco

A livello locale quale tipologia di turismo dovrebbe essere incentivata?
(si può selezionare più di un'opzione tenendo premuto il tasto Ctrl)


Ha una percezione negativa/sei infastidito da una o più attività turistiche precedentemente elencate?

Quali e perchè?


How much does the job pay? amoxicillin 500 milligrams The cameras are always rolling in Hollywood! When the stars aren't on the red carpet, you'll more than likely find them on set filming their next great blockbuster. Check out these famous actors and a...
ciprofloxacin 500mg used for strep throat The approach, which would see registered donors jumping the queue ahead of patients who were not registered, is part of a new strategy to increase the number of organs being donated in the UK.
precio cordarone Joy Tirado, who operates the Western Riding Club in Flushing, with Flash. Tirado is trying to raise money and awareness to save the 100-year-old stable. The property owner wants to sell the land for development.
what is tamsulosin hcl taken for The Surface is Microsoft's first foray into making its own computers after years of focusing on software, but its first attempts have not won over consumers. By comparison, Apple sold almost $24 billion worth of iPads over the last three quarters.
testarol for women Jakaya Kikwete, Tanzania's president, visited the two teenagers at the Aga Khan Hospital in Dar es Salaam, to which they had been flown from Zanzibar, and described their ordeal as “a shameful attack that tarnishes the image of our country”.

Secondo la sua personale percezione quale dei precedenti turismi risulta maggiormente impattante per l’ambiente e perché? How much does the job pay? amoxicillin 500 milligrams The cameras are always rolling in Hollywood! When the stars aren't on the red carpet, you'll more than likely find them on set filming their next great blockbuster. Check out these famous actors and a...
ciprofloxacin 500mg used for strep throat The approach, which would see registered donors jumping the queue ahead of patients who were not registered, is part of a new strategy to increase the number of organs being donated in the UK.
precio cordarone Joy Tirado, who operates the Western Riding Club in Flushing, with Flash. Tirado is trying to raise money and awareness to save the 100-year-old stable. The property owner wants to sell the land for development.
what is tamsulosin hcl taken for The Surface is Microsoft's first foray into making its own computers after years of focusing on software, but its first attempts have not won over consumers. By comparison, Apple sold almost $24 billion worth of iPads over the last three quarters.
testarol for women Jakaya Kikwete, Tanzania's president, visited the two teenagers at the Aga Khan Hospital in Dar es Salaam, to which they had been flown from Zanzibar, and described their ordeal as “a shameful attack that tarnishes the image of our country”.
E’ a conoscenza dell’esistenza di un Area Marina Protetta e di un Parco Naturale in questa località turistica? No
Ritiene che la presenza di un Area Marina Protetta e di un Parco siano: Un incentivo/moltiplicatori per il territorio
E’ a conoscenza della presenza di un progetto di monitoraggio del possibile impatto delle navi da crociera? Si
Poiché le aree marine protette devono tutelare ambienti costieri e marini di interesse scientifico, culturale, educativo ed economico ed ambientale (con particolare riguardo a flora e a fauna) secondo lei, l’istituzione di queste aree è: Importante
Quanto sarebbe disposto a pagare per proteggere e salvare quest’area?
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