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Questionario popolazione locale o turista generico


Questionario volontario e anonimo
Comune intervista: Portofino
Nazionalità: Brasile
Città in cui abita: 706843
Sesso: F
Età: 25 - 40
Professione: LQuGPvcckDpIauEASK

Lei in questa località è:


Possessore di seconda casa


Quanto è importante a livello locale lo sviluppo del turismo? Poco
Quanto è importante lo sviluppo del turismo delle navi da crociera? Poco

A livello locale quale tipologia di turismo dovrebbe essere incentivata?
(si può selezionare più di un'opzione tenendo premuto il tasto Ctrl)


Ha una percezione negativa/sei infastidito da una o più attività turistiche precedentemente elencate?

Quali e perchè?


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trazodone 50mg price The aircraft went down less than a mile from the end of Runway 18 at Birmingham's airport before dawn Wednesday. UPS has identified the victims of the crash as Capt. Cerea Beal, Jr., 58, of Matthews, N.C., and First Officer Shanda Fanning, 37, of Lynchburg, Tenn.
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price of ciprofloxacin iv A job very well done for Spurs so far. On a poor pitch against a side clearly lacking in confidence, Tottenham managed to force a breakthrough with a brilliant bit of skill from Jermain Defoe and then extended their lead with a neat move down the right and a cool finish from Nacer Chadli. Defoe is also now just one away from equalling Martin Chivers’ record of 22 goals in European competition for Spurs.
nf cure feedback The National Cancer Institute estimates about 1-in-8 women born today, or 12.4 percent, would develop breast cancer at some point in their lives, but other factors influence a woman's risk, including age, the age at which she began menstruating, whether she has a sister or mother with breast cancer and breast density. These factors are used in the two calculators that can guide a woman's decision-making: or
celexa dose limit fda Now an army-installed government is revising a documentfaulted for embedding Islamic influence in lawmaking and forshort-changing human rights, especially of women and minorities,including Christians who form some 10 percent of the population.
generique cytotec A court statement said the driver was talking on the phone to a colleague when he received the first automatic warning in his cabin of a sharply reduced speed zone ahead. The statement said the warning was by means of an audible sound but provided no further detail.
proextender system review Reasonable people can disagree about giving credit to hospitals for particular kinds of technology. After a lengthy investigation that included discussions with practitioners with a range of opinions at various hospitals, we included robotic surgery in five specialties. It is singled out by Emanuel as an example of an expensive technology that raises a hospital's score in urology but hasn't been proven in reliable, randomized clinical trials. We see part of our obligation, however, given our target audience of high-acuity patients, as trying to identify technologies and other care that make a strong case for benefiting such individuals. Such features are more likely to be found at centers that see more of such patients.

Secondo la sua personale percezione quale dei precedenti turismi risulta maggiormente impattante per l’ambiente e perché? Canada>Canada obagi tretinoin cream results However, the company has been under pressure to reduce its infrastructure access fees, and opted to do so during the transition to BlackBerry 10. Due to the changes, BlackBerry's service revenue is expected to decline over the course of this year.
fluticasone furoate nasal spray boots There are other ways ESPN could have sold Yankees-Red Sox. It could have highlighted the rivalry, which it actually does in an alternate 30-second “SNB” spot that mentions A-Rod but not the suspension.
trazodone 50mg price The aircraft went down less than a mile from the end of Runway 18 at Birmingham's airport before dawn Wednesday. UPS has identified the victims of the crash as Capt. Cerea Beal, Jr., 58, of Matthews, N.C., and First Officer Shanda Fanning, 37, of Lynchburg, Tenn.
coversyl bestellen “The banking regulators are now turning and saying ‘We don’t need this rule,’” a former Treasury official with knowledge of the matter said on condition of anonymity. “They would rather have their examiners dictate what banks should be doing.”
price of ciprofloxacin iv A job very well done for Spurs so far. On a poor pitch against a side clearly lacking in confidence, Tottenham managed to force a breakthrough with a brilliant bit of skill from Jermain Defoe and then extended their lead with a neat move down the right and a cool finish from Nacer Chadli. Defoe is also now just one away from equalling Martin Chivers’ record of 22 goals in European competition for Spurs.
nf cure feedback The National Cancer Institute estimates about 1-in-8 women born today, or 12.4 percent, would develop breast cancer at some point in their lives, but other factors influence a woman's risk, including age, the age at which she began menstruating, whether she has a sister or mother with breast cancer and breast density. These factors are used in the two calculators that can guide a woman's decision-making: or
celexa dose limit fda Now an army-installed government is revising a documentfaulted for embedding Islamic influence in lawmaking and forshort-changing human rights, especially of women and minorities,including Christians who form some 10 percent of the population.
generique cytotec A court statement said the driver was talking on the phone to a colleague when he received the first automatic warning in his cabin of a sharply reduced speed zone ahead. The statement said the warning was by means of an audible sound but provided no further detail.
proextender system review Reasonable people can disagree about giving credit to hospitals for particular kinds of technology. After a lengthy investigation that included discussions with practitioners with a range of opinions at various hospitals, we included robotic surgery in five specialties. It is singled out by Emanuel as an example of an expensive technology that raises a hospital's score in urology but hasn't been proven in reliable, randomized clinical trials. We see part of our obligation, however, given our target audience of high-acuity patients, as trying to identify technologies and other care that make a strong case for benefiting such individuals. Such features are more likely to be found at centers that see more of such patients.
E’ a conoscenza dell’esistenza di un Area Marina Protetta e di un Parco Naturale in questa località turistica? Si
Ritiene che la presenza di un Area Marina Protetta e di un Parco siano: Un incentivo/moltiplicatori per il territorio
E’ a conoscenza della presenza di un progetto di monitoraggio del possibile impatto delle navi da crociera? Si
Poiché le aree marine protette devono tutelare ambienti costieri e marini di interesse scientifico, culturale, educativo ed economico ed ambientale (con particolare riguardo a flora e a fauna) secondo lei, l’istituzione di queste aree è: Non molto importante
Quanto sarebbe disposto a pagare per proteggere e salvare quest’area?
Indichi la cifra massima all’anno in


Grazie per la collaborazione!

I dati verranno utilizzati a sola rilevazione statistica e ricerca scientifica ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/2003

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