What is the SPAMI protocol?
- In 1972 during the Stockholm Conference, the United Nations adopted a specific Environmental Programme (UNEP) that identified the Mediterranean Sea as an area of high priority, for the protection of which is necessary to implement specific conventions and agreements on the conservation of biodiversity;
- Subsequently, it is required the designation of natural and semi-natural habitats of community interest as special areas of protection: then Habitats Directive (92/43 EEC) is issued, however, substantially addressed to the terrestrial environment;
- Therefore, the need of conservation and greater protection also for the marine environment is born. Consequently, a protocol for the Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Interest (SPAMI) is formulated in Monaco, on 24/11/1996. This protocol becomes an integral part of the Barcelona Convention on 10/06/1995, which the European Union joins in 1999.